On this page you'll find music that I've made myself. ^_^
I call myself Paper Strings. Dunno why. xD
I have a Paper Strings MySpace Here. If you like what you hear, please feel free to add me.
You can download a collection of Paper Strings songs by Clicking Here. Find the download link near the bottom right of the page, where it says 'Save File to your PC'. You'll probably need to
wait a minute whilst the file info loads before you see this link.
I also have an alternative alias. :P 'Flamefoot' is something that came out of a group documentary I helped
to make for my degree - I made the music and kinda enjoyed it, so made other tunes in the same vien. It's just for a laugh
really, mostly over the top cheesy electronic music. Although I do find listening to it strangely addictive sometimes. :s
You can download my Flamfoot music Here
You can also listen to the music on my Flamefoot MySpace Here