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Chat Room

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Chat Room
Want to Chat? Just type your chosen nickname in the box and connect! Typing your e-mail is not required.
Connecting to this channel is also possible using mIRC. If you want to do so, click here
If the chat box below does not work, it may be because you need the following download:

Java Chat

This application requires Java suport.
This server also available via IRC at:

You can change your nickname at any point whilst in the chat room.
Simply type /nick [new name] to do so. For example, to change your name to "Homer" you would type /nick Homer 
This is useful if you want to add a "tag" to your name. e.g. typing /nick Homer|away shows people you are not at the computer (much like you would with msn) without having to log out of irc and miss anything that's been said.